Seeing Old Friends in Dreams

It is very common to see ourselves (in dreams) going back in time, encountering an old relationship or a group of people from a previous season of life. We’ve often not spoken to or even thought of them in years, so it can be shocking and confusing to see them pop up in our dreams.…

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Ex-Boyfriends in Dreams

Ever have an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend show up in your dream? These dreams can be confusing, especially if you’ve long since moved-on and have a well-established life now. But if we can understand what that person was meant to represent, we can start to unlock the meaning of the dream. Typically, an ex is…

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The Imperishable Crown

Throughout Scripture, there are five crowns mentioned that are laid up in heaven as rewards for believers who overcome in this life. I’ve spent some time lately examining these and examining my own life in light of them. I thought I’d share some of my notes. In this post, we’ll start with the imperishable crown mentioned…

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